Rooibos – Night Rest Tea
• Contains Melissa leaves
• Promotes a good night’s rest
• Anti-spasmodic and calming, anti-depressant effect
• Treats hysteria and insomnia
• Uplifting and soothing in times of grief, trauma and depression
• Helps to relieve cramps, fever, headaches, migraine, toothache, spasms, asthma and indigestion
• Soothes the nervesMelissa leaves (Melissae Folium), better known as lemon balm, promotes restful sleep. It is known for its antiseptic properties, calming and anti-depressant effects. Melissa leaves have been used to promote sleep and prevent insomnia. The Night Rest provides a calming,
relaxing effect that helps to reduce anxiety or agitation and soothe the nerves.Melissa leaves may help in treating indigestion. It can also help to relax muscle spasms, numbs
tissue and destroys bacteria. It also boasts anti-histamine properties and helps with allergies. Antioxidants found in Rooibos Tea can help protect your cells against damage caused by free radicals, leading to premature ageing. Annique’s Night Rest Tea is caffeine free, low in tannin, rich in minerals and boasts a high volume of antioxidants. Mix Night Rest and Relax Tea for a perfect calming effect.Directions:
Pour boiling water in cup, add one teabag of Night Rest Tea and let it steep for 2-5 minutes or boil the tea on the stove for 2-5 minutes. Drink as is, preferably without milk and sugar. Do not heat the herbal teas in the microwave oven, as the microwaves may destroy antioxidants in the tea.
Rooibos Tea Combinations
• Rooibos Night Rest and Rooibos Stomach for cardiac problems
• Rooibos Night Rest and Rooibos Relax for milk secretion
• Rooibos Detox and Rooibos Night Rest for a good night’s rest and to support the digestive system
• Rooibos Detox, Rooibos Relax and Rooibos Night Rest for peaceful sleep
• Rooibos Relax and Rooibos Night Rest for stress related conditions and nightmares
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