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OptiRooibos – is your natural health insurance for you and your family!

The Annique Rooibos story started in 1968, when Dr. Annique Theron discovered Rooibos’ ability to soothe and calm her baby daughter, relieving the infant of colic and insomnia. Amazed by its natural healing potential, Dr. Annique went on to investigate and document its health promoting abilities, including its antioxidant, antiallergenic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. She founded Annique Rooibos Health and Beauty in 1971 and went on to develop the first Rooibos skincare and health range in the world.

Why do we need ANTIOXIDANTS?
Antioxidants destroy free radicals. Free radicals are rogue oxygen molecules, that have lost an electron. That loss makes them unstable (in chemical terms, reactive), causing them to ‘steal’ neighbouring molecules’ electrons, causing them to operate like terrorists in the body. The damage caused by free radicals is called oxidation. Examples of oxidation are bananas turning brown when left unpeeled or the rusting of iron.

Excess free radicals in the body contribute to the development of oxidative stress, which
plays a major role in the development of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Free radicals attack healthy cells, leading to dysfunction, mutation and cancer. Free radicals can also disrupt normal cell activities, or cell membranes, producing a chain reaction of destruction.
Such membrane damage in the cells that line our blood vessels can lead to hardening and thickening of the arteries and eventually to heart attacks and strokes. Free radical attacks on collagen can cause cross-linking of protein molecules, resulting in stiffness in the tissue.

Free radicals are caused by:

• Normal bodily functions
• Exercise
• Pollution
• Cigarette smoke
• Processed foods
• Chemicals
• Medication
• Stress
• Sun damage

Less than 10% of South Africans are consuming the appropriate foods to obtain enough antioxidants that their bodies need to fight off the damaging effects of free radicals.

Antioxidants are molecules that help to eradicate free radicals. Some antioxidants are called polyphenols. These are most commonly found in plants and are the type of antioxidants found in Rooibos, specifically a polyphenol called Asphalathin. An antioxidant is an organic molecule that can counteract the damaging effects of free radicals in tissues, or molecules that protect the body from free radical damage. The presence of antioxidants in the body can “mop up” free radicals before they damage essential cells.

How are ANTIOXIDANTS measured?
ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) is a scale that measures the antioxidant capacity of foods and supplements. The antioxidants in any type of food are measured by their capacity to absorb free radicals.

It is generally accepted that an intake of 3000 to 5000 ORAC per day, is required to support the body. However, recent studies have suggested that people have a vast variety of lifestyles and that necessitates needs that require higher levels of antioxidants – up to 21 000 a day.

It is important to note that antioxidants should be acquired from a variety of foods and supplements, for optimal benefits. Other antioxidants include vitamin C, vitamin E, etc.

Studies at the Medical Research Council (MRC)’s PROMEC unit, completed by Dr Janine Marnewick, shows that 6 cups of Rooibos a day can help to prevent cancer. It reduces
cancer-associated changes in cells by protecting it against DNA damage, or mutagenesis. Cancer develops in several steps and mutagenesis is one of the first steps. During mutagenesis the genetic material (or DNA) of a cell is changed because of excessive exposure to mutagens (physical or chemical agents that can change the DNA in the cell, found in cigarette smoke, sunlight, chemical substances, etc). This change in the DNA is known to be a major cause of cancer.

Dr Marnewick’s studies also shows the potential of 6 cups of Rooibos tea which, if consumed daily, help protect against oxidative stress and inflammation associated with the development of heart disease. Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants, in favour of oxidants. An excess of these oxidants can damage important cellular components such as lipids, proteins and DNA, resulting in the development of several major degenerative diseases.

Safety during pregnancy and breast feeding has not been established, so these women should consult their health practitioner before taking OptiRooibos.

The convenient health solution

7 Reasons to take OptiRooibos

1. Prevent cancer and heart disease
2. Anti-ageing
3. Anti spasmodic: soothes digestive system
4. Anti allergic: calms allergies
5. Anti viral and anti bacterial, fights bacterial and viral infections
6. Antioxidant: prevents damage from free radicals that can cause ageing and disease
7. Anti-inflammatory: fights inflammation

Annique’s OptiRooibos contains potent antioxidants and provides 400mg of green Rooibos extract, with a minimum of 2200 ORAC per capsule, with a polyphenolic value of 30%.
Rooibos has an amazing array of health benefits, including that:
1. It contains powerful antioxidants, which help to prevent damage from free radicals that can cause ageing and disease
2. It helps to prevent heart disease
3. It aids in preventing cancer
4. It promotes anti-ageing
5. It has anti-spasmodic benefits: helps to soothe digestive system problems.
6. It has anti-allergic properties: aids in relieving allergies.
7. It has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which: helps to fight viral and bacterial infections.
8. It helps the body to better cope with stress
9. It helps to prevent inflammation – one of the major causes of ageing and disease.

Is Stress Getting to You?
Stress is one of the most impactful modern day ailments that affect people. Stress leads to secondary health problems and influences our health and wellbeing, but you can counter your
stress levels naturally.

Researchers at the Stellenbosch University have found that Rooibos extracts can help us deal with the negative effects of stress. Amanda Swart, senior lecturer and researcher at the
Biochemistry Department says “Rooibos extract inhibits the biosynthesis of the stress hormone, cortisol”. She also says “this is good news as the stress we experience on a daily basis leads to abnormally high cortisol levels, which are associated with increased anxiety, high blood pressure, suppressed immunity and diabetes.”

Annique has known for years that Rooibos tea calms and relaxes and now this research underlines the fact that Rooibos has essential health and wellness properties.

Try Annique’s Rooibos tea, suitable for all ages or Annique’s Herbal Teas. Specifically Relax with wild Jasmine, for a soothing and relaxing antidote to every day stress. Or, take 3 OptiRooibos with the equivalent of six cups of Rooibos tea

3 capsule of OptiRooibos = 6 Cups of Rooibos tea’s health benefits

Annique Forever Healthy OptiRooibos [30 Capsules]


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