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OptiMega – For heart and brain support

OptiMega contains omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) to support the two most critical organs in the body, the heart and the brain. Apart from this, EFAs have many more health promoting benefits.

Get Heart Smart

The Eskimo diet contains the highest amount of cholesterol in the world, yet they suffer the least heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. Why? Their diets consist almost solely of fish and raw seal meat, so they get enough omega 3 and 6 oils through their diets to keep them healthy. Heart disease is the biggest modern day illness facing human kind, yet it can easily be prevented

Top 5 Conditions that OptiMega can help to alleviate

  • Cholesterol and heart disease.
  • Arthritis.
  • Inflammation.
  • Skin conditions like Dermatitis, acne, eczema and dry skin.
  • Lacking mental performance, memory and mood swings and increased aggression.

5 Ways in which OptiMega supports the brain

  • Improves neurotransmitter balance and receptivity.
  • Helps to relieve hyperactivity.
  • Boosts memory and mood.
  • Relieves depression.
  • Improves sleep.

4 Ways to lower blood pressure

  • Take OptiMega – Omega 3 oils can reduce the risk of heart disease by helping to thin the blood taken together with vitamin E.
  • Take OptiC – Vitamin C is vital in the production of collagen, the glue between cells that keeps skin, tissue and arteries supple. Hardened arteries can lead to high blood pressure.
  • Balance the body’s pH, by taking OptiToniQ+.
  • Increase Vitamin E (contained in most capsules in Forever Healthy).

Boost your Brain Power

OptiMega can help to boost your intelligence, and improve mood and memory. The brain consists of about 60% fat. The modern diet is highly deficient in Omega 3, and to a lesser extent Omega 6, and therefore these crucial nutrients need to be supplemented daily.

1 – 2 capsules per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner.

Nappi Code : 718388

Use our NAPPI Codes to claim back!

A NAPPI (National Pharmaceutical Product Index) code is a unique coding system for medicines, surgical or consumable products and medical procedures, which allows for a customer to claim a refund from their medical aid. It is, however, not a guarantee that the medical aid will refund the product, as there are different terms and conditions for different medical aids.

How does the refund work if it is granted?

Your medical aid might reimburse your Forever Healthy products. The reimbursement will be deducted from your medical savings plan. You need to contact your medical aid directly and submit the NAPPI codes, together with your invoice.

How do you claim?

Purchase your Forever Healthy product as per normal. Keep your invoice and write the NAPPI code on it and submit the invoice to your medical aid within three months of purchase. Complete any other documents required from your medical aid for the reimbursement

Annique Forever Healthy OptiMega – Heart and Brain support 30 Capsules


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