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OptiC – For antioxidant support

Vitamin C is one of the safest, most effective and well known vitamins. The human body cannot produce this crucial vitamin, so if you don’t supplement it, your health is at risk. Vitamin C has amazing health properties, from supporting the cardiovascular and immune systems to lowering the risk of cancer and building collagen and tissue for a beautiful skin, yet most of us don’t get anywhere near these benefi ts because we don’t get enough Vitamin C.

Why we don’t get enough vitamin C
• Our modern diets do not contain enough raw fruit and vegetables.
• The NRV (nutritional reference value previously known as RDA (recommended daily allowance) is set too low.

5 Reasons to supplement with OptiC

• It is packed with potent antioxidants.
• Fights infections, boosting your immune system.
• Helps to protect against heart disease and cancer.
• It is essential to build collagen – the glue that keeps cells together, builds tissue for great skin, for strong and healthy bones, joints, tendons, arteries and skin.
• Natural detox aid.

9 Things that increase the need for antioxidants

• Smoking.
• Stress.
• Increased sugar consumption.
• Surgery or injury.
• Trauma.
• Regular drinking.
• Pollution exposure.
• Infections.
• Exercise.

1 capsule per day, or as recommended by your health care practitioner

NAPPI Code : 718389

Use our NAPPI Codes to claim back!

A NAPPI (National Pharmaceutical Product Index) code is a unique coding system for medicines, surgical or consumable products and medical procedures, which allows for a customer to claim a refund from their medical aid. It is, however, not a guarantee that the medical aid will refund the product, as there are different terms and conditions for different medical aids.

How does the refund work if it is granted?

Your medical aid might reimburse your Forever Healthy products. The reimbursement will be deducted from your medical savings plan. You need to contact your medical aid directly and submit the NAPPI codes, together with your invoice.

How do you claim?

Purchase your Forever Healthy product as per normal. Keep your invoice and write the NAPPI code on it and submit the invoice to your medical aid within three months of purchase. Complete any other documents required from your medical aid for the reimbursement

Annique Forever Healthy OptiC – Antioxidant Support 30 capsules


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